Our Services

Privacy Policy




En son düzenlenen tarih

16 Tem 2023

All services and products provided in our store belong to the company registered Kant Akademi at the address 112 Capitol Trail Suite A, Newark, DE, 19711 and are operated by the company.

Our company may collect personal data for various purposes. Below is an explanation of how personal data is collected and protected.

Through membership or by filling out various forms and surveys on our Store, some personal information about our members (such as name, surname, company information, phone number, address, or email addresses) is collected by our Store due to the nature of the business.

From time to time, our company may send campaign information, information about new products, and promotional offers to its customers and members. Our members can make choices about receiving this information during registration. After logging in, they can change this choice in the account information section or opt-out using the link in the received message.

Personal information transmitted electronically by our members to our store during the approval process will not be disclosed to third parties beyond the purposes and scope determined by our “User Agreement”.

To identify system-related problems and to quickly resolve potential issues or disputes related to the service provided, our company records and uses the IP addresses of its members. IP addresses can also be used to generally identify users and collect comprehensive demographic information.

Our company may use the requested information for direct marketing purposes by itself or its affiliates. Personal information can also be used to contact the user if necessary. Information requested by our company or provided by the user, or information about transactions made on our Store can be used for various statistical evaluations, database creation, and market research without revealing the identities of our members.

Our company commits to keeping confidential information strictly private and confidential, treating it as a duty of confidentiality, ensuring and maintaining confidentiality, and taking all necessary precautions to prevent any or all of the confidential information from entering the public domain or being used without authorization.

CREDIT CARD SECURITY: Our company prioritizes the security of credit card holders who shop from our websites. Your credit card information is not stored in our system in any way.

To determine you're on a secure site during the transaction process, you should notice two things. One is a key or lock symbol at the bottom line of your browser. This indicates you are on a secure web page, and all your information is encrypted and protected. This information is only used according to the sale transaction and your given instructions. The credit card information used during shopping is encrypted with the 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol and sent to the bank for inquiry. The shopping process continues once the availability of the card is confirmed. Since we cannot see and store any card-related information, it is impossible for third parties to obtain this information under any circumstances.

For the first-time customers shopping from our websites, it's essential to confirm the authenticity of financial and address/phone information before the order can proceed. If necessary, we might contact the credit card holder or the bank to check the information.

Only you can access and change all the information you provide while registering. It is not possible for others to access and modify your information as long as you keep your login information secure. During the registration process, actions are taken within a 128-bit SSL security zone. This system is an unbreakable international encryption standard.

It's advisable to choose online shopping sites with an info line, customer service, and clear address and phone information. This way, you can get detailed information on all matters and more reliably assess the reliability of the company providing online shopping service.

Note: We recommend ensuring that the company's clear address and phone number are stated on internet shopping sites. Before making a purchase, note down all the phone/address information of the store from which you're buying the product. If you're unsure, confirm by calling before making a purchase. All our online shopping sites clearly indicate all information about our company and its location.

MAIL ORDER CREDIT CARD INFORMATION SECURITY: Identity and credit card information you'll send us by mail order will be kept by our company according to the principle of confidentiality. This information is kept for 60 days against possible credit card disputes with the bank and then destroyed. It does not pose any risk as you can naturally object to the bank in case any amount other than the mail-order form amount you'll send us is drawn from your card.

THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES AND APPLICATIONS: Our store may provide links to other websites. Our company does not bear any responsibility for the privacy practices or content of these linked sites. The principles of our Privacy Policy apply only to our store and do not cover third-party websites.

EXCEPTIONAL CASES: In the limited cases stated below, our company may disclose user information to third parties outside the provisions of this "Privacy Policy":

  • To comply with obligations brought by legal regulations such as laws, decrees, and directives.

  • To fulfill and implement the requirements of the “Membership Agreement” and other agreements we've made with users.

  • When there's a request for user information for a research or investigation conducted by an authorized administrative or judicial authority.

  • In cases where it's necessary to disclose information to protect user rights or security.

E-MAIL SECURITY For any orders you wish to communicate about with our store's Customer Services, never include your credit card number or passwords in your e-mails. Information in e-mails can be viewed by third parties. Our company cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted through your emails under any circumstances.

BROWSER COOKIES Our company may obtain information about users visiting our store and their use of our website through a technical communication file (Cookie). These technical communication files are small text files that a website sends to the user's browser to be stored in the main memory. The technical communication file facilitates the use of the Internet by storing the site's status and preferences.

The technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people visit the site, the purpose and number of times a person visits the site, and how long they stay. It also aids in dynamically producing ads and content from specially designed user pages. The technical communication file is not designed to retrieve any personal information from your main memory or e-mail. Most browsers are initially designed to accept the technical communication file, but users can change the settings to prevent the technical communication file from arriving or to be alerted when it is sent.

Our company can change the provisions of this "Privacy Policy" at any time by publishing it on the website or by sending an e-mail to users or by publishing it on the site. When the Privacy Policy provisions change, they come into effect on the published date.

For any questions or suggestions about our privacy policy, you can send an email to bilgi@kantakademi.com. You can contact our company using the contact information provided below.

Address: 112 Capitol Trail Suite A, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone Number: +1 (302) 451-9126